Love Your Trail Supporters

Business Supporters

Donation Levels

Tax receipts will be issues to donors for contributions of $20 or more.

trail champion seal

Trail Champion

$1,000 or more

trail master seal

Trail Master

$500 - $999

trail blazer seal

Trail Blazer

$100 - $499

trail maker seal

Trail Maker

$50 - $99

trail supporter seal

Trail Supporter

$49 and less

Trail Champion

Callaghan Farm Supply

Barron Cowan

Dorothy DeNure

Karyn & Greg Dowdall

Ron Fevang

Kirsten Brown & Michael Firestone

Forsefield Inc.

Ian Gillespie

Green Trails Alliance

Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development

Kawartha Runs

Haig Kelly

Dorianne Lackey

National Trails Coalition

Omemee Legacy C.H.E.S.T.

Ontario Ministry of Economic Development

Ontario Trillium Foundation


Susan Sauvé

Sir Sandford Fleming College

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

Trans Canada Trail

Jennifer & Aaron Young

In memory of:

Margaret Fevang

Dr. Al Lackey

Dr. George Sweetnam

Steven Thompson

In honour of:

Hugh Davies

Laurie Kingston



Trail Master

Achilles Track Club of Peterborough

Marnie Callaghan

Dr. T. James Cooper

Elke & Richard Danziger

Carole & Bruce Glass

David Holloway

Investors Group Matching Gift Program

Kawartha Rail Trail

Peter Petrosoniak & Kathy Boyle

Betty & Sal Polito

The Siegel Family

Bill Steffler

Susan & Ed Stephenson

Wylie & Marnie Suggitt

Marian Sweetnam

In memory of:

Liz Maxwell (from the Biker Babes)

Murray Spence

Terry Woodward


In honour of:

Ron Fevang

The Hardy Family

Amanda Johnson & Stephen Dunbar

Claire & Jean Morgan

Ruth LaMantia

Margaret Davies

George & Marian Sweetnam

Jan Smith

Susan Stephenson

Trail Blazer

Dianne & Ted Abbot

Wayne & Cathy Alldred

Biker Babes

Blewett Printing

Hal & Hilda Bowry

John Clary

Crayola Canada

Dianne’s Country Cooking

Cycle Chicks

Cycling Dudes

Bill & Elaine Elliott

Bruce & Lynne Faulkner

Margot Fawcett

Fowlers Corners & District Lions Club

Gayle Golden

Goodwin Design

Health for Life

Stan & Marion Hill

Joanne & Tom Johnson

Kawartha Cycling Club

Kent Florist

Kinsmen Club of Lindsay

Gus & Ruth LaMantia

Lindsay Animal Clinic Professional Corp.

Lindsay Lions Club

Jo Anne Lindsay

Barbara MacPherson

Robin & Rosemary Maughan

Joe & Joyce McGuire

Claire & Jean Morgan

Morris Veterinary Hospital

Gael Morrison

Nicholls – Eleanor (DeNure), Lawrence, Catherine (Reed), Calvin

Bernie & Lillian Nickerson

Oakwood & District Lions Club

Omemee & District Lions Club

Ontario Woodlot Association

Pat & Mike O’Reilly

Lou & Judy Probst

Path to Stillness Yoga Studio

Payne, Grignon Family

June & Thomas Pick

Bill & Marg Preston

Howard Robinson

Barbara Rose

John Rose

Laurie Scott

Kathy Simpson

Linda Skilton

Ross Smith

Sheila & John Speirs

TD Canada Trust – Omemee

Doris Webster

Ron & Gillian Willcocks

John & Anne Willemse

In memory of:

Elizabeth Feltham

Mr. & Mrs. S.D. Fevang

Pierre Girard

Dr. Stephen Herr

John Kennedy

Dr. Al Lackey

Jean Luck

Ewan (Hughie) McCrimmon

Jean Morgan

Myrtle Grace Payne

Bob Rodd

Marytherese Saigeon

Arthur D. Truax

Dr. Robert (Bob) Watson

Shane Paul Allan Wood

In honour of:

Ted & Dianne Abbot

Judy & Ray DeNure

Dr. Robert Drury

Ainsley & Avery Herr

Doug & Robin (Jones) Knight

Laurie & Jamie Lautenschlager

Malone & Jack

Peter Marrs

Jack M. Murphy

Dale Parks est: 1950

Linda Rutherford & Nancy Pelletier – St. Andrew’s Youth Fellowship Leaders

Henry & Frederick Stephenson

Ellen & Terry Woodward

Erin Woodward

Terry Woodward

Trail Maker

Anna & David Auger

Carol & Bob Barkwell

Benville Pet Resort

Conservative Party, Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock

Erik Ellis

Margot J. Fawcett

Ron & Rose Gibbons

Anne Glanfield

Doug van Hemessen

Joanne & Tom Johnson

Lisa Kaldeway

Kawartha Field Naturalists

Dirk & Hennie Kookhaas

Tonya Kraan

Phil LaPenna

Murray Leadbeater

Pete & “Chick” MacLoghlin

John & Brenda Morrison

Pinewood Cottages & Trailer Park


Ruth Salhenegger

Kathy Simpson

Andris Smits

Sharon (Abbot) Sylvestre

Ben Van den Broek

Patti Watson

Amy & Tim Whitson

In memory of:

Dave Allen

Anders Andersen

Robert E. Bellamy

Shirley Bellamy

Janet Berton

Pamela Berton

Penny Berton

Claire Blais

Dr. Doug Bocking

W. R. Bunting

Rev. Edward Cook

Margaret Cook

Graham Copp

Rich Denham

Fred DeNure

Susan DeNure

Eileen Drury

Craig Fawcett

Dr. James I. H. Fawcett

Marg Fevang

Paul Fitzpatrick

Allan (Doc) Gleeson

Margaret Black Goodbrand

Jay Hayes

Pat Hayes

Jim Labour

Jim LaMantia

David Lankin

Dr. Gord Lindsay

H. David Logan

Lillian “Lil” Macintyre

Holmes Matheson

Evelyn R. McLean

Peter McNabb

Allan McPhail

Geraldine “Gerry” Moore

Morgan O’Connell

Eileen Owen

Dr. Meg Poel

Margaret R. Price

Bill Reddall

Elizabeth A. Richardson

Brian Robertson

Jim Robinson

Donald A. Rosborough

Margaret A. Rosborough

Grant Saunders

Debbie Simpson

Jack Smith

Jan Smith

Marjorie Stephenson

Ray Storey

W. Dale Toombs

Helen Tripp

Neil Vivian

Ron Willcocks

David R. Walling

Vernon “Pill” Willis

Clara Wilson

Bonnie Winn

Norm Winn

Doug & Brenda Wright

In honour of:

Molly Susanna Adams

Nayan Xander Arapurakal

Bill Coe

Nicole E. Cote est 2021

Lorne Dixon

Clair E.J. Dowdall

Patrick S. Dowdall

Mary C. Ham

Marilyn Heath

Kayla Cathleen Henderson

Anthea W. Jenkins

Dr. Julie Johnson

Joe Kraan Sr.

Adam W. Lackey

Jonathan D.V. Lackey

Jonathan D. V. Lackey

Luke Alexander Lackey

Zack Lautenschlager

Jean D. Mark

Julie Marquis est 1971

Cassidy J. Murphy

Egan C. Murphy

Ellen & Dennis Patterson

Nancy C. Pelletier

Stephen P. Pelletier

Ross Penton

Debbie Richardson est 1951

Barbara Rose

Murray Spence

Lucy A. Stephenson

Karina K. Treiguts

Markus M. Treiguts

Catherine Wasteneys

Donor names last updated June 5, 2021.

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