Prohibited Uses: With the exception of snowmobiles, all motorized vehicles including ATV’s and dirt bikes are not permitted on the trail.
The trail surface is ideal for hiking, walking and running, all of which have a powerful effect on your health. There is a bench about 1 km east and west of Lindsay, Omemee & Reaboro. Walk there and back every day, enjoy the fresh air and reap the benefits.
The trail is suitable for hybrid, cyclocross and long distance touring bikes (anything with a wider tire). Enjoy this relatively flat surface free from traffic and the flora and fauna along the way.
Horseback riding is a great way to enjoy the trail and experience the natural beauty of our region. The crushed limestone surface is suitable and safe for horses. Please help keep the trail beautiful and safe for other users by cleaning up after your horses.
Just because there's snow on the ground doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the outdoors on the trail. During winter months, the trail is an ideal location for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.
Uxbridge to Opmar Road is groomed by the ‘Heart of Ontario’ Snowmobile Club. The rest of the trail is not groomed, but snowmobiles are welcome. There is currently no route through the town of Lindsay for snowmobilers.