In 2017, the Trans Canada Trail will celebrate its 25th birthday. Since its initiation in 1992, the TCT has been dedicated to connecting communities all across Canada and preserving the natural beauty of the place we call our home.
I have had the opportunity to work and volunteer with the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail for the past two years. During this time, I have taken part in the maintenance of the 53.8 kilometres of trail found within the Kawartha Lakes; cutting grass, painting gates, and surveying fellow trail users concerning their experiences on the trail and ways we could improve the experience. I have also attended meetings with the Board of Directors as well as various events organized by the KTCTA. Through these experiences I have gained a vast amount of knowledge about all aspects of the Trans Canada Trail. The trail users, from the first-timer to the daily visitor, have a great sense of appreciation and fulfillment, and the organizers of the trail are motivated by this enthusiasm. My experience with the trail has shown me that with the determination of a motivated group, we can change the lives of many people.
In 24 years, the TCT has succeeded in connecting the majority of Canada together. With the help of donations and countless dedicated volunteers, soon the entirety of this great nation will be connected via a natural, accessible trail that we can all enjoy.
Tommy Vaneyk