wildflower planting along the trail

wildflower planting group

Funds provided by New Horizon Senior’s Grant allowed for 450 wildflower plants to be planted along sections of the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail. Partnership with Adelaide Place Retirement Home, Fleming College, and volunteers from the village of Reaboro had seniors and students plant the native wildflowers.

ktct 2021 trail survey results

The 2021 Trail Survey results are in! A total of 74 surveys were completed by users on the trail. The surveys occurred at the end of July and early August at three locations along the trail. Thank you to everyone who participated!

You can view the entire survey with all the results here.

tct name change

Old name, new look

You may have noticed that things look a little different these days on our website, social media pages, and maybe even trail signs. As of June 1, 2021, the name of The Great Trail of Canada has changed back to its original name, and is once again known as the iconic Trans Canada Trail.

Learn more on the Trans Canada Trail website.

The Mariposa Creek bridge was recently renovated and to celebrate we created this virtual opening ceremony! Learn about the Mariposa Creek area and history, with remarks from our President, John Hagarty and Trail Advisor, Al MacPherson.

mariposa creek bridge updated

Thank you for your patience. We’re happy to announce that the Mariposa Creek Bridge has a brand new deck and is now open again for trail use!

mariposa creek bridge

The Mariposa Bridge on the KTCT will be closed for repairs from October 19th to October 31st. For an alternate route around the bridge using side roads, please check our map here.

The numbers are in from our trail use counter and we are excited to see a huge increase in trail use during 2020! As a result of COVID-19, we’ve all turned to outdoor activities to stay fit and busy while continuing to practice social distancing.

We’re so fortunately to have a beautiful trail system right in our own backyard to get out and enjoy! Stay safe trail users!

ktct trail use increase

Deck replacement work restrictions.

Due to deck replacement work, there will be restrictions to use of the Mariposa Creek Bridge starting at the end of September until the end of October. The bridge will still be usable, but we ask that dismount your bike and walk across the bridge. These restrictions are in place to keep trail users and workers safe while the repairs are made.

David Archibald was kind enough to share his video for “One Step at a Time”, a song inspired by the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail and dedicated to everyone involved in making this trail a reality which we can all enjoy. He is joined on the track by his daughter Renée, singing harmony.

Thank you David for this beautiful song and video! You can explore more of David’s music on his website davidarchibald.com

Kawartha Trans Canada Trail will be hosting our Annual General Meeting in the coming weeks. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. Please join us to provide input on the future of the trail.

Kawartha Trans Canada Trail Annual General Meeting (AGM)

December 4th, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Fleming College, Lindsay Campus, Room 252

Open to the Public

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